ΑΠΘ: Βράβευση φοιτητικής ομάδας του Τμήματος Αρχιτεκτόνων σε Διεθνή Διαγωνισμό



ΑΠΘ: Βράβευση φοιτητικής ομάδας του Τμήματος Αρχιτεκτόνων σε Διεθνή Διαγωνισμό

"Honorable Mention" έλαβαν οι φοιτήτριες του Τμήματος Αρχιτεκτόνων Ράνια Γέγιου και Διονυσία Τσακίρη σε διεθνή διαγωνισμό ιδεών για το σχεδιασμό ενός σημείου παρατήρησης σε ηφαίστειο στην Ισλανδία.

Στα πλαίσια του μαθήματος «05ΤΤ10 – Ψηφιακά Μέσα και Αρχιτεκτονικός Σχεδιασμός» με υπεύθυνο καθηγητή τον Σπύρο Παπαδημητρίου, οι φοιτήτριες και οι φοιτητές του μαθήματος συμμετείχαν στον αρχιτεκτονικό διαγωνισμό.

Στάλθηκαν τρείς προτάσεις, η πρόταση «Roe», της φοιτήτριας Δήμητρας Γκούνα και του φοιτητή Αχιλλέα Τσορτανίδη. Η πρόταση «Petra» των φοιτητών Δημήτρη Κογκαλίδη και Πέτρου Τοπουζέλη και η πρόταση «Dimmu Borg», των φοιτητριών Ράνιας Γέγιου και Διονυσίας Τσακίρη, η οποία έλαβε από τη διεθνή επιτροπή του διαγωνισμού «Honorable Mention».

Τι δήλωσαν:

We are both third year undergraduate architecture students at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Dionysia has a master’s in interior design and is currently working in this field, while she has also a bachelor’s in religious studies. Rania has received a bachelor’s in psychology. We have been collaborating since the beginning of our studies and, sharing a background of humanistic studies we have shaped a common approach to architecture through the way we intercommunicate our ideas. This was our first attempt in an architecture competition.

Brief information about the projects that you/your company have been involved with. For instance, what scale have you focused on/preferred, any significant projects where the company/ individuals have been involved?

So far, the academic projects we have been involved with include various scales, from small housing projects to larger interventions in urban and natural environments.

What does architecture mean to you and what is the role of an architect in your society?

We believe architecture is an expression through the built form of where we place importance as a society in a given time and place and a base for our identity as humans. An architect’s task is to hark the ongoing changes in societal structure, the history, the culture, the topography and transcribe them into architectural frames that shelter and improve everyday life while at the same time commenting on the values.

Why do you participate in architecture competitions?

Architecture competitions provide a great venue for experimentation and development of our skills, as well as the opportunity to test our ideas among other individuals who have a similar motive. It is a means of learning how to communicate our work with the world.

What advice would you give to individuals who struggle to decide whether it would be beneficial for them to participate in architecture competitions?

Competitions require effort, time and extensive research in order to achieve a quality result. This itself can be a totally enriching experience that is worth the try regardless of the outcome.

Πληροφορίες για τον Διεθνή Διαγωνισμό Ιδεών:

Bee Breeders Competition Organisers announced the results of the Iceland Volcano Lookout Point Competition. Participants were tasked with designing an observation point positioned on the southern edge of Hverfjall in northern Iceland – a landform resulting from a volcanic explosion that left a crater 1 km wide and roughly 140 meters deep. Hverfjall is a popular hiking destination where visitors can easily access many parts of the volcano’s crater via public hiking trails that climb 200m to its ridges. The platform for this observation point is to fit a 10×10 m base, offering a view from the top of the crater that overlooks Lake Mývatn and the Dimmuborgir Lava fields.

International jury:

Marshall Blecher, co-founder of MAST, a maritime architecture studio based in Copenhagen.

Greg Corso of Syracuse NY-based SPORTS Collaborative and Assistant Professor at Syracuse University’s School of Architecture

Jake Heffington, an architect and activist promoting equity and justice in design and development and Executive Director of [Diversify Architecture]

Borghildur Indriðadóttir, an artist that lives and works in Reykjavík, Iceland

Kyle Schumann, cofounder of After Architecture and Assistant Professor at the University of Virginia, whose work explores how democratized and accessible technologies can empower designers to utilize nontraditional and irregular natural materials.

Erik “Rick” Sommerfeld, an architect, Assistant Professor and the Director of ColoradoBuildingWorkshop, the design-build program at the University of Colorado Denver, which embraces small projects with tight budgets, short timelines and challenging site constraints to create innovative architectural solutions.


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